Man, are generics becoming a hot topic or what!? The Associated Press has released a new article about the battle heating up between generic drug-makers and Big Pharma (Amgen, Pfizer, etc). In case your unfamiliar with whats going on right now (and you definetly should be, it effects anyone in the healthcare industry), Obamas recent push for Healthcare reform has riled up the big pharmaceutical companies, because theyre afraid that to cut down on costs, generic drugs will be allowed to be made sooner than later (Lower patent time = lower profits). Big Pharma is asking for a 12-year generic ban, while generic drug makers are pushing for a 5 year cap. Congress has voted on a 12 year ban on generics, but will it pass the Senate? What about the threat of a presidential veto? And how will this effect the stock-market, since recently a lot of the healthcare companies have been carrying a lot of the rallys occuring recently on Wall Street? Read the full article. [
AP Article] [
Past Broken Beaker Article]
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